"My mother went to the gynecologist on 11/11/19... one week later they diagnosed her."

"My mother first decided to go to the gynecologist on November 11th 2019 due to some abnormal bleeding. One week later the doctors diagnosed my mother with a rare form of uterine sarcoma. They labeled it aggressive, undifferentiated, and rare.
During the next several weeks doctors determined to move forward with a harsh chemo regime only to call 3 weeks later with a new update. Her type of cells were altogether different - my mom had PEComa.
Only approximately 100 patients have had this type of cancer since it first was discovered around 25 years ago. CoLinda is one of the rarities. And because it is so rare - they currently don't have curable treatment. Though this looks like a hopeless diagnosis, we are praying it does not return in Jesus name. She will have to continually be monitored with CT scans and is changing her lifestyle in the meantime.
It is very hard to hear the words, 'rare' and 'aggressive' and 'not properly found a curable treatment yet'- but we are trusting the Lord." - Carissa Spanski, CoLinda's daughter
Faith, Hope and Love... but the greatest of these, is Love

In the fall of 2020, against all odds, Love Heals was given the opportunity to walk alongside the Spanski family. Working with local businesses, artists and a local church, a very special Love Heals benefit concert was held for CoLinda and her family. Over 350 people safely gathered outside despite pouring rain. Three bands traveled over state lines, and most importantly - we celebrated a woman who showed us what it looks like to choose life. CoLinda continues to be a powerful example of what living really is.
CoLinda is still in the thick of her battle with PEComa to this day. Currently the cancer has metastasized to both lungs and one lymph node so she is continuing on in her chemo treatments. If you would like to encourage or financially support her cancer journey, you can donate through her Go Fund Me page by following this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-the-spanskis-with-colinda039s-medical-bills